viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Clash Royale Basic Strategies

Hello there to another episode. I made you check if it was the right post, didn’t I? I know I didn’t. My name’s Miguel and I’m a regular Clash Royale player and a fan since I started playing. I’ve had so many fun experiences and moments both winning and losing that I fell in love with it. I’m currently at 2500-2700 trophies going back and forth. Tough but fun ladder. Today I’ll talk about some Clash Royale Basic Strategies that you can add to your repertoire of moves to improve your rank.

Don’t forget we’re being sponsored by our specialized online shops that provides you with simple and easy ways of acquiring Clash Royale merchandise of your favorite and most used characters. Let’s try to elucidate some concepts, my fellow clashers.

Best and most overpowered basic deck?

But no. Seriously. Not gonna rate yet. When you start playing you do so in arena 1. There you have some cards. They already give you great cards like giant, musketeer, arrows and fireball. Your goal here would be to put giant in the back and start placing troops behind him so he takes the hits so your troops survive and destroy the opponent’s tower. You could also try using the prince to rush damage.

With arena 2 we now have cards like Giant Skeleton, the rocket and the lightning, among others. At this point you should try doing the same thing as in arena 1. Getting cards and building tanks. Put those tanks in front (skeleton giant) and protection like potions, fireballs or even a musketeer behind him. Use the Valkyrie to counter skeleton armies.

In arena 3, we have the addition of the X-bow and other cards to help you. I don’t like its effect and it doesn’t see much professional play but a menacing option nonetheless. Buildings as Barbarian Hut, Goblin hut, Cannon, Bomb Tower and Tombstone can save you from very aggressive pushes and even push whatever lane you put them on.

About arena 4 there’s not much to say. Now we have both hogs and barrels. Try to combine both and let us know how it turns out. I think the basic ends here. Higher arena is not considered basic but I will tell you things you’ll have to carry for the rest of your gaming life.

First, you should never attack and spend all your elixir. Try saving some for after the attack. Second would be to define your deck. Will it be a rusher for damage or will you focus more on control plays? That’s entirely up to you. Try adding the arrows and the zap when you get it so you can deal with most cards. Third advice would be to pick your fights. If your opponent is pushing your left side and there’s nothing you can do, attack the other side and try to race him down. Maybe you’ll win. That’s all for the day, don’t forget to read and browse the store. Miguel Out!


There are basically 3 Clash Royale Basic Strategies you can try. Don’t spend all your elixir at once, be clear of what type or archetype will your deck be, based on how you like to play. Last, pick your fights. Know when to defend and when to rush their towers.

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