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What is the best combo for Elite Barbarians?
There are a couple of great combos, so let’s not waste time and go straight to it. In first place, there’s the “Ebarbs+log” combo. Keep in mind that the main way to counter Elite Barbarians is to drop cheap armies such as skeletons, goblins, archers, regular barbarians and sometimes with giants or golems. I’ll call our Elite barbarians “Ebarbs” because I’m lazy. Since the log takes a little time to go through its trajectory, it gives the Ebarbs enough time to get to the tower and land a couple of hits. This is invaluable since they hit for a lot, so you’ll have the advantage. Plus, that combo is worth 8 elixir, so you’ll have the zap or the skeleton army to defend after your offense.
Another important, though greedy combo that I’ve tried and have had so much fun trying is the “Ebarbs + Fire Spirits + Rage Spell”. I say greedy because this combo will shred your opponent’s tower in a matter of seconds but since it costs 10 elixir, you won’t have any to spend on defending your towers. Best case scenario, he tries to rush you and you beat him. Not used so much in serious competitive play but very fun to try and pull off.
Best case scenario, you use a variant of the “Ebarb+log” and take half hit points off the tower. You can use “Ebarbs+arrows” and you fire the arrows on top of the Ebarbs, anticipating any kind of cheap or weak defense such as minion horde, skeleton horde or goblins. If your opponent drops a tank, your Ebarbs will most likely kill it and he won’t be able to push for your towers. Always keep a second win condition like a Hog Rider for when your Ebarbs are killed, and bring an inferno tower to deal with powerful tanks or Hog attacks while you attack. You can try “Ebarbs + ice spirits + fire spirits” to both damage and freeze. They often clear cheap defenses when they land correctly and opens way for the Ebarbs to attack. Same thing if your opponent uses flying defenses. This combo often kills regular barbs and minion hordes. I’ll be back in other posts to keep talking about decks and strategies. Good luck on the ladder, my fellow clashers. Miguel Out!
Elite Barbarians (or Ebarbs as I call them) are powerful cards that can be used both as offensive rush or defense against strong tanks. They are weak against multiple targets at once but they have a decent health pool. They have some great synergies and fun combos you should try!
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