jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Clash Royale Arena 9 Deck

Welcome fellow clashers to the definite guide that, when you read it, will make your Elite Barbs hit twice as hard. Nah, I’m joking. My name is Miguel and I’m an arena 9 player who’s currently on 2500-2700 trophies back and forth. I know. Ladder isn’t easy to climb. Tell me about it. Anyways, I’m here today to talk to you a little about the different available decks for arena 9 and some recommendations based on card popularity, deck success rate and my personal experience.

clash royale best deck for arena 9

By the way, we’re a specialized online shop that provides you with easy ways of getting a lot of cool, high quality, aesthetic Clash Royale merchandise. Whether you’re a new player who’s getting to know the game and its strategies or you’re a seasoned player that is looking for ways to improve his or her decks, this article will hopefully inspire you to create awesome combos with your favorite cards and maybe, if you’re curious, you can check the merchandise we have to offer.

What is the best arena 9 deck?

Of course. Everyone just wants to read an article that assures you that they have the definitive formula for Clash Royale Success. Guys, there is no better deck. That is based on the meta game. If you don’t know that concept, I’ll elaborate. It refers to the most efficient way of playing the game, using the strongest cards and the strongest combos. This, however, is based on numbers, not skill. If you copy a deck that climbed to 3k trophies it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be good with it in an instant. It requires practice to master decks. What I can tell you are the cards that you should include in your decks since they counter probably most of the popular strategies of the meta game.

First, Zap. That’s currently the best potion. Hands down. It can help you clear the skeleton horde, lower the minion horde’s health to a half depending on level so your tower can one-shot them. Also, it has a stun effect. It stops the inferno tower’s beam and resets it. It resets Sparky’s laser so it has to charge again from scratch. It stops both the prince’s and black prince’s sprint so they don’t hit your tower hard. It can be used to stun Elite barbarians a little when they rush your tower. It costs 2 elixir so it helps to cycle the cards faster.

Second, not included in all decks but its utility is very wide. I’m talking about the famous Elite Barbarians. They hit like a truck, they are fast and they have decent health. Enough for standing tower hits while they rip it to shreds. Good for defense too since they hit the tanks hard. They practically one-shot mages and archers. They can be countered with skeleton horde or goblins. Have your zap ready for clearing. You can use arrows too in advance so it kills whatever your opponent uses to stop your barbs on an instant. I’ll be back in other posts to keep talking about this topic and related questions. If you liked this post, remember to browse the store whenever you can. Miguel Out!

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